Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Is your telephone doing strange things?

What happens when you dial someone and they don't answer?  Just like most people don't know how the lights work when you flick the switch on the wall, telecom is a mystery to people.

We recently had a customer complain that calling one extension directed calls to a completely different extension!

To the novice trying to figure this out is a daunting task.  I called someone but someone else answered.  Why?  Help!!!

We make it easy.  Usually fixing a routing issue is a simple matter of comparing the programming in the call path to the actual behavior of the device.

Take a call forward for instance!  Simply removing a call forward (which is easy enough to put back in place) will likely resolve most issues of this nature.

Contact us at 877-297-4081 for information on resolving telephone problems.  We're happy to help on the phone or online!  Visit our website at or send us an email

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